Health Benefits of Yin
The Holistic Power of Yin Yoga for Mind and Body
The Purpose of Yin is to restore the body to its natural state of health and to actualise our ability to move with fluidity, power and grace. As in all forms of Yoga, Yin is a holistic practice. This does not mean it is 'mystical', simply that it simultaneously exercises the body AND the mind, the subjective AND the objective, and reconciles the individual with the world in which s/he lives serving to re-balance life.
Every woman and man is the architect of their healing and their destiny.
All of our body's organs are capable of healing if given the right environment. There is a natural intelligence that leads the cells of the embryo to create a baby, there is a natural intelligence that leads the acorn to becoming a tree. There is a natural intelligence as to why the planets are moving around the sun. Inside this space, we allow ourselves to get out of our way and allow healing to happen.
When our central nervous system feels safe this is when great change can happen, life has conditioned us to be tough coaches to bully ourselves into making changes. The nervous system though perceives this as a threat. This is why so often long-term changes with this mindset don’t last. Studies and research now show that those who speak kindly to themselves can make long-term changes. No shame, no guilt.
Although the list is not complete, Yin Yoga has demonstrable benefits in the following areas:
Lowering of stress levels
Increasing mobility in the body
Strengthens Bones
Heals old Scare Tissue
Cleans blood
Improving and maintaining joint health, particularly in the hips
Better lubrication and protection of joints
More flexibility in joints & connective tissue
Release of fascia throughout the body
Releasing tension and processing trauma
Regulating and increasing energy and vitality in the body Increasing stamina
A great tool for coping with anxiety and stress
Help with TMJ and migraines
Deeper relaxation, better ability to sit for meditation
Calming and balancing of the mind and body
“Yin is the most relaxing yoga I’ve ever done yet. I feel stronger and more supple than ever. It also is as much mind time as body time.”
— client feedback